

11 May, 2023

- Asean leaders vow to boost economic recovery, uphold centrality
Southeast Asian leaders, including Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, reaffirmed their commitment to bolster economic recovery and address issues facing the region when ...More>>>

- Central bank policy maker: Dragging inflation down to single digit ‘greatest challenge’
Dragging inflation, which was recorded at 39.89 percent in April, down to an average of  single digit as targeted for this year, is the greatest challenge, a policy-marker of Laos’ central bank has said. ... More>>>

- Section II of Lao-Thai Railway completed
Phase II of the Lao-Thai Railway Construction Project (Section II) has been fully completed and is ready to be opened for use by the public. An official in-charge of Phase II of the project told Vientiane Times that 100 percent of the work has been completed. ...More>>>

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- Inflation impacts Lao households’ recovery from Covid 19: World Bank
Economic activity has recently picked up in Laos, though the rising cost of living is adversely impacting Lao households, with poorer families most severely affected, ...More>>>

- President issues important instructions to unions

President Thongloun Sisoulith has advised the Lao Federation of Trade Unions to pay attention to important issues and to create benefits for the common good.   ...More>>>

- Lao audit bodies created understanding on Aseansai MES
The official audit bodies of Laos need to create understanding about the aims of the Aseansai Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) to ...More>>>

- Local firm plans to export Durian to China
A private company in Pakxong district, Champassak province, is planning to expand its Durian plantations over 200 hectares to ...More>>>

- Korea hands over 15 ambulances to Laos
Chungcheongnam-do province of Korea has donated 15 ambulances worth more than US$393,000 to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, according to Lao Phattana Daily News ...More>>>
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Govt to cooperate with Star Telecom on e-governance, digital development
The E-government Centre under the Ministry of Technology and ...More>>>

Performing arts trainer shares experiences
Performing Arts choreographer, artist, and architect Mr Phonepaserd Sengmanyvong recently shared his experiences as a trainer and how to prepare for performing art contests. ....More >>>

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Mighty millets - super grains of power 
Super-grain, super-food and wonder-grain are some of the adjectives often used to describe millets, one of the oldest foods known to humans, and probably the first grain used for domestic purposes. ...More >>>

Biden ramps up pressure on House GOP in debt limit battle
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fresh off a White House meeting with no ..More >>>


What's on in Laos


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What is the best way to celebrate the traditional rocket festival?
Boun Bang Fai, or the Rocket Festival, is a longstanding tradition ...More >>>

Lao athletes achieve target for medals at SEA Games
Lao athletes have achieved their target of winning at least five gold medals at ....More >>>

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Hoi An – a tourist hotspot and a jewel in Vietnam’s crown
If you’re thinking about a visit to somewhere special, Hoi An is a great ....More>>>



Counter: 11 January 2023
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